Sailing through the circle of life….


(It’s been ages, you touched my hands this way….it feels so strong….your hands seem colder….but your heart is still so warm…..). A few larger than life moments with my parents….

I am yet an another brick in the wall of the modern era, coming out of a country village searching for my piece of happiness and a better life in a metro called Delhi. The enthusiasm of going to the city of Big-dreams was so bright after my graduation that it just over shadowed that my parents would be lonely now back at the home town. There is a slim possibility that I would be back to my native place….though hope to be back someday. God knows what is written on the cards!

Still the good part that remains is -every six months either me or my parents visits each other. Better is that we are reaching each other almost every day through the wire and the Best part is the chemistry between my parents…..a true spirit of life called “Love” still keep them rolling.

So, it was my turn to visit them recently. This time I had to visit them without my family (my wife & kid). My parents were little upset over the matter, specially finding it difficult to unglue from the opportunity to meet their grand kid (so do from the little kid also).


But changed conditions and environments sometimes let you experience different aspects. Somehow, after a long while I felt myself to be like a kid with my parents. I wanted to maximize the experience and prolong it as much as I can. For a few moments it felt like Living in a dream….. Every minute became younger with each passing hour.

What can be more pleasing to your eyes than watching your ageing parents finding their groves once again….my eyes just could not take it anymore but needed some salty water to fill in for support.

Let me share some of those frozen dual toned moments captured through the shutter. Some of the snaps will surely find their space at our living room display.

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From our walk of life, I fully understand…..This is life and is a process called “the living” where change is constant….old is replaced by new, a never ending search for betterment, where you take a lesson or some heart from the past to meet and greet the future. Here, you have to play all possible roles….A son, a brother, a friend, a father, a grand-father and many more…. (or the other side of the coin….A daughter, sister and so on…).

Here I was another link in the chain! Coming back to the circle of life….

People often say- Your children need your time. But all I can say “Your aging parents deserve your time and attention too”.

If Time is the greatest healer, so also may be the greatest builder of relationships, what do you say!!!Spread the smile… cost you nothing. Each drop of water make up the ocean….each flower put together creates a beautiful garland….(Let me decorate a memory-garland….through my photography).

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