Die Young….

Give your body the first 30 min of a morning….it will do wonder for the whole day.

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I am in my mid 30s, not getting younger anymore. If I check myself in the life-health indicator graph, I am probably in the stable zone in between the ascending and declining curve. Who don’t want to prolong this period before going to the eventual down-slide to the sick-hurry age?

Last 10 years-I have been promising myself every season for some morning workout. However, my cozy bed becomes dearer in the morning. It was just not happening.

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There were handful of advices from near and dears- Morning workout before sun-rise brings in positive energies. It’s like an investment or your health insurance in this age when Health care business carries a hefty price tag…etc etc. Still you know; it is difficult to pour that first mug of water, when you are taking a winter bath.

Of late I looked at my tummy; it was going out of allowable shape. Also, I used to feel out of gas quickly in the evening after the day’s work when our little son eagerly waits for his share of time with us. Now, I am slowly starting to realize, it’s the high time to battle with the inner devil.

Back in my native country-village, my grandfather, an achiever of octogenarian will celebrate his 92nd birthday shortly still commutes by a bicycle, play cards with people who are 3 generation younger to him. Am I able to replicate who carries the same gene???? My father is diabetic; already fail to emulate the fit. G-father’s case might be little different from our current given conditions, his case has been advocated by pure nature-fresh food products since his childhood…what today we call it organic products which comes at an expensive rate at a metro/ city while availability being an issue as well. Moreover back then, communication means were either by walking or cycling which improved their fitness and agility.

Here, we have to survive by the food and vegetables that are primarily grown with hormones and industrial fertilizers. How much benefits or side effects they bring to the table is a separate issue.

Further, in this fast faced life-style, those occasional moments of social gatherings do invite some extra fat to your waistline. Someone jokingly said- your best friends are harmful for your Lever……indeed.

So modernity comes at a cost. You just can’t take it all, has to be a trade off. So then, how do we minimize the dent?

It is difficult to build a habit, but once it becomes a habit we all know, it becomes more difficult to break it. I am firm believer of the approach >>>>Motivation is what gets you started…..Habit is what keeps you going.

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So what can motivate you to start the kick off? >>>Your will power, a friend who is already doing it with some result, a pair of new shoes, a new track suit. Whatever may be….Choose the one, which has the power to overpower your mental barrier.

Now it’s been close to a month I am doing it on regular basis and my wify also joined me in this renaissance. First 2~3 days we did take some pain for the gain, as body were reacting and adjusting to the new system in place.

We know result will start to show up gradually but surely. My tummy is showing some positive outcome already. It is getting close to becoming a habit now which once we were finding a hard target. We eagerly wait for the those 30 min, especially for those double refreshing last 10 min where we walk bare foot on the cool grass with little water droplets….rejuvenating.

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A good testing time is waiting as we are planning our next trip to a place at the Himalayas which requires a mediocre track of approx. 7~8 kms.

So then, when you run and run to catch up with the sun…….before it’s too late…….

Remember: Motivation is what gets you started…..Habit is what keeps you going.

Die young………




25 thoughts on “Die Young….

  1. 110% agree with you. Since last 6 months I am regularly walking at morning hours. Me getting the results of long breath of fresh air.


  2. Good to see such motivational comments so keep ur self young and stay healthy by keeping ur self wake up in morning early and start morning walk…..


  3. Good that you have started….as you mentioned rightly, the starting point is the most challenging task….will soon be following your path….


  4. Hello Jatin… Thanks to motivate others through your blog.
    Yes, it is the Laziness Threshhold Level that needs to be overcomed every morning. That’s why laziness is a silent killer.


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